Tuesday, May 25, 2010


It's amazing how quickly life goes by. I just finished my junior year of college. It's crazy to think that this coming fall I'll be starting my senior year---my last year of undergrad. Granted I'm going straight to graduate school, but still. Both my parents never graduated college so this is a big deal. I'm scared out of my mind to be finishing up so quickly. I'll be 21 when I graduate with my BA which is so young. It's going by so fast. I can't believe it. 

This summer I'm going to be doing crazy amounts of fundraising for the Africa Mission Trip. I really pray that we raise enough money or get enough donations to go to Africa next summer. I really feel as though we are supposed to go. I just want to do God's Will and I'm just going to keep moving in the direction I believe he is leading me in.