Wednesday, March 17, 2010

EDTE 563

My Rags to Riches game on Grammar from Quia

**Post a reflection about the differences between how you plan to teach with how you were taught**

In school I was taught by teachers who were very traditional in their ways. They just lectured at me. I was only engaged in a few of my classes. In elementary school my teachers weren't very engaging at all. In high school it got better and more of my teachers were much more engaging and I was much more excited to go to class. When I become a teacher I don't want to become a teacher that only lectures at my students. I want them to be excited to come to my class and know they will have fun in my class. I want my class to be one of learning, but learning that is engaging for me and my students. I desire for my students to love to learn. In elementary school my teachers didn't facilitate that love of learning in me. In fact part of me wanted to become a teacher because I didn't like the way my teachers taught. Now, of course I want to teach because I want to make a difference in the future generation of children.

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