Thursday, July 15, 2010

Well summer is half way over. Unfortunately I still have 6 weeks left off. I know I should be thankful for the time off, but I've been off of school since May 11th, I'm ready to go back. I've had my time off. I took all 4 CSETs this summer. I've for sure passed 2 and i'll find out August 2nd if I passed the last two. I hope I did. 

I've been working all summer and that's pretty much it and planning my 21st birthday in San Francisco. I'm super excited. 

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Just a quick update

Tomorrow is the first day of July. I can't believe how fast the months are flying by. I haven't done a whole lot of exciting things this summer thus far. I've been babysitting a lot and doing a bunch of fundraisers for Africa, but I'm starting to get discouraged about Africa. Realistically I just don't know if we're going to be able to raise all the money. It'll seriously be by the grace of God that we raise all the money. I'll just have to wait and see. School starts September 1st, and I for one and very excited to start. I love learning and I'm excited because it's my last year of college, well undergrad. It's a momentous time in my life. 

My 21st birthday is in August and I can't wait. I'll be going to San Francisco with Jackie, Leah, and Brittany and I'm so excited. It's going to be so much fun. =] 

Tuesday, May 25, 2010


It's amazing how quickly life goes by. I just finished my junior year of college. It's crazy to think that this coming fall I'll be starting my senior year---my last year of undergrad. Granted I'm going straight to graduate school, but still. Both my parents never graduated college so this is a big deal. I'm scared out of my mind to be finishing up so quickly. I'll be 21 when I graduate with my BA which is so young. It's going by so fast. I can't believe it. 

This summer I'm going to be doing crazy amounts of fundraising for the Africa Mission Trip. I really pray that we raise enough money or get enough donations to go to Africa next summer. I really feel as though we are supposed to go. I just want to do God's Will and I'm just going to keep moving in the direction I believe he is leading me in.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Big Huge Labs Assignment

Image from: woodleywonderworks

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Results part 2.

The results given are interesting. I always thought I was a visual-spatial learner, but apparently I'm more verbal-linguistic. I definitely know I'm not logical or mathematical. I hate science and math. I definitely agree with the interpersonal and intrapersonal aspect of the results. Overall I'd agree with it. 

results from learning survey


Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Tips and Tricks

1. On Windows Vista by clicking on the display bar the button with the many windows open on the picture you can choose which window you want to see open on your screen.
2. If you press control p, you have chosen to print.
3. By pressing the windows button on your keyboard next to the alt button you select the start menu.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

EDTE 563

My Rags to Riches game on Grammar from Quia

**Post a reflection about the differences between how you plan to teach with how you were taught**

In school I was taught by teachers who were very traditional in their ways. They just lectured at me. I was only engaged in a few of my classes. In elementary school my teachers weren't very engaging at all. In high school it got better and more of my teachers were much more engaging and I was much more excited to go to class. When I become a teacher I don't want to become a teacher that only lectures at my students. I want them to be excited to come to my class and know they will have fun in my class. I want my class to be one of learning, but learning that is engaging for me and my students. I desire for my students to love to learn. In elementary school my teachers didn't facilitate that love of learning in me. In fact part of me wanted to become a teacher because I didn't like the way my teachers taught. Now, of course I want to teach because I want to make a difference in the future generation of children.